Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2005

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 14, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I know we have set aside the Baucus-Burns-Brownback et al. amendment. I just want to come to the floor to express my support for the amendment as well. This is a bipartisan effort. It is long overdue. As others have noted, the need is great. There are disasters around the country that have to be addressed, including some in South Dakota. It is not just the severity of the drought, but it is the length of time that drought has existed in some parts of our country, especially in South Dakota.

So I am very hopeful the Senate will express itself on a unanimous basis and provide the kind of support that our farmers and ranchers and others need. I hope the amendment will be adopted.

I yield the floor.
